Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Wonderful Lord's Day

Today was my first Sunday back after vacation and it was absolutely wonderful!

8am - Said Eucharist in the Chapel with Healing Prayer and Anointing. I was on the receiving end of a powerful prayer from my Parishioner Bev for healing for my forearm which I badly bruised the other day.

Continued our new sermon series which was excellently launched by one of our two Seminarians
Pedro Lara last Sunday:  Being the Church.

9am - First session of our new Adult Ed Hour with a series titled The Festivals of God and His People where we'll be spending the summer looking at the Calendar and how our Christian Calendar is rooted in Life of Jesus with a heavy emphasis on the Seven Biblical Feasts in Leviticus Chapter 23, what they are, how we can and do observe them, and how these teach us about who Jesus is as Israel's Messiah.

10am - Eucharist in the Sanctuary with our music and Children's Program. Music today was especially excellent Thank you Ron, Susanne and Dan! We had two groups of visitors including a retired priest and his family, he happened to be ordained by the same bishop as me: the Rt. Rev. Keith Ackerman.

Healing Prayer and Anointing today at 10am too. I love that nearly the entire congregation comes forward and on these Sundays we have to add extra songs and Church goes longer so people can receive healing prayer. This is such a wonderful heritage of Christ Church!

A real joy for me personally is that my son served at the altar today for the third time. It means so much to me to have him by my side.

It was also good to connect with some Parishioners I had not spoken to in a few weeks and check in with them.

Quick Mancub-Dad lunch at Sunmist Cafe then home to rest for a little and then trouble some issues with the car.

Now off to Camp Webb, our diocesan Summer Camp, where I'll be serving as Chaplain this week and Mancub will be a camper.

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